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Holders Hill SDA Church A family of the East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventist


Words of Hope
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The Sleep of Death (by Christopher Blackwood)

One of the greatest fears that most human beings have is death. None of us want to face death and many of us are afraid to die. One of the main reasons why we are afraid to die, is related to what will happen to us after we die.

When was the last time you thought about what will happen to you after you die? Although you are a follower of Christ and you have surrendered your heart to Him, do you believe that you will be resurrected when Jesus comes the second time? Or are you still not sure if you will among those who will come from the grave in the first resurrection that occurs at the second coming of Jesus?

As you take some time to think about these questions, here is a very encouraging word from the Apostle Paul found in 1 Corinthians 15:22.

KJV – 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

NLT – 22 Just as everyone dies because we all belong to Adam, everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life.

Matthew Henry in his commentary in this text provide a very inspiring thought. He said:

“All who die, die through the sin of Adam; all who are raised, in the sense of the apostle, rise through the merit and power of Christ. But the meaning is not that, as all men died in Adam, so all men, without exception, shall be made alive in Christ; for the scope of the apostle's argument restrains the general meaning. Christ rose as the first-fruits; therefore those that are Christ's (v. 23) shall rise too. Hence it will not follow that all men without exception shall rise too; but it will fitly follow that all who thus rise, rise in virtue of Christ's resurrection, and so that their revival is owing to the man Christ Jesus, as the mortality of all mankind was owing to the first man; and so, as by man came death, by man came deliverance. Thus it seemed fit to the divine wisdom that, as the first Adam ruined his posterity by sin, the second Adam should raise his seed to a glorious immortality.”

In this passage Paul provides the assurance that through the resurrection of Jesus, you and I can be given eternal life. While we may experience the sleep death, like Moses, God can raise us from this sleep and grant us eternal life. However, for us to be resurrected from the sleep of death, we must belong to Jesus. The Holy Spirit must have complete control of every single area of our lives. We must allow the Holy Spirit to complete the work of transformation in our life as outlined in Eze. 36:26. When we give God a chance to do His work of transformation in our heart, He will make us fit and ready for His Second Coming and the associated resurrection from the sleep of Death. 

With this word of assurance, you should no longer have any fear in your heart about dying. While you would not want to leave your family, friends and loved ones behind, God is reminding you that there is something that is greater awaiting you at the second coming of Jesus. It is my prayer that you will continue to surrender every single area of your life to the total control of the Holy Spirit, so that God can help continue to allow Him to do that work of transformation in your heart, so that you can become fit for the First Resurrection.

Are You Ready For Jesus To Come -