Words of Hope
Return to BlogThe Power of a Name (by Kelly Henry)
What is your name? What does it mean? Do you live up to the dictates of your name? Do you know there is power in a name?
Our forefathers chose our names for various reasons. Some reasons are:
- How we look (e.g. Princess)
- Where we were born (e.g. London)
- When we were born (e.g. Summer); and, more recently,
- An amalgamation of our parents’ names (e.g. Patricia - a combination of Patrick and Tricia).
A new name represents a new beginning. There is power in a name. A name represents where you came from, your heritage. If you have an opportunity to name someone, i encourage you to give a name that represents a new beginning. The greatest name we have as God’s followers is the name Christian. Let’s live up to our name, let’s show the world that there is power in the name. There is power in the name of Jesus.