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Holders Hill SDA Church A family of the East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventist


Words of Hope
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The Eternal Son (Alertha Statia-Glasgow)

The Eternal Son

Monday April 12th was the third day of the ash fall, it was also the first time in two days that the rays of the sun were able to penetrate the blanket of ash that had darkened the Island. As I chatted with a colleague about the events of the weekend, I remembered telling her how listless I felt on Sunday having not seen the sun in two days. It felt as if the ash came with its energy zapping tentacles and I was its target. "Of course you would", she said, "It is the sun that gives us energy and life." Her response triggered my thoughts heavenward, to another Son.

The atmosphere on earth was laden with guilt and fear. The darkness of sin had placed a wedge of separation between God and fallen man. Man was doomed to misery and death, 'for the wages of sin is death...' (Romans 6:23), but the Son of God demonstrated infinite love by sacrificing Himself so that we can have eternal life. Brian Goodman explained it this way, 'Jesus brings light into darkness and life into a world that is filled with death and destruction.'

The Creator of the sun that sustains life on earth, unreservedly gave His Son so that we can have 
everlasting life. For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NLT).

My prayer today is that we will choose to allow the light of Jesus to fill our hearts with the hope of eternity.