Words of Hope
Return to BlogPsalm 136 (KCR Version) (Katie C. Riley)
1. O give thanks unto the Lord for the blessings of life for His mercy endures forever.
2. Thank You Lord for your constant protection amidst all the strife for His mercy endures forever.
3. To God who has brought us this far; through and through for His mercy endures forever
4. Who loves us unconditionally no matter what we do;
5. For mercies that endure forever and ever, Lord we thank You.
6. O give thanks unto the Lord for giving us His Son for His mercy endures forever.
7. For through Him we have the eternal gift of Salvation for His mercy endures forever.
8. To You God who loved us from the beginning of time for His mercy endures forever
9. Who through creation has made us truly Thine;
10. For mercies that endure forever and ever, Lord we thank You.
11. O give thanks unto the Lord for the Holy Spirit for His mercy endures forever.
12. For through Him with God we can stay connected for His mercy endures forever.
13. To You God who is constantly by our side for His mercy endures forever
14. Who cleanses our hearts so within You can reside;
15. For mercies that endure forever and ever, Lord we thank You.
16. We thank You Lord for everything; for Your love and mercies endure forever.
(Written by Katie C. Riley)
Completed on September 11, 2021