Words of Hope
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God's love is like a circle
You don't see its beginning or its end
If you're looking for lasting love
His to you I recommend.
It's broad and deep and wide and high
There's nothing that can compare
He'll love you like no other
You can count on Him to always be there.
You don't ever have to doubt God's love
He will show you every day
Stop! take a breath and open your eyes
You'll see the evidence as you walk life's way.
God's love is unconditional
There's nothing you can do to change that fact
Just take a look at Calvary
Where Jesus performed His greatest act, of love.
So accept God's love so lasting and true
It will surely sweeten your days
And you'll see as you share it with those you meet
Loving like Jesus surely pays.
Romans 8:35-39
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
An original poem written by Lee Ann Brancker, February 20, 2021