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Holders Hill SDA Church A family of the East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventist


Words of Hope
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For Our Good (by Christopher Blackwoord)

I am sure that sometimes you wonder why you and other Christians experience such hardship. I am sure you wonder why some families in the church are broken and filled with so many issues. I am sure you wonder why those people who dedicate themselves to serving the Lord seem to be troubled on every side and in distress. Shouldn’t the life of the Christian be one where things go smooth? Shouldn’t the life of those who walk away from the things of the world be one of goodness and prosperity? Afterall, the God that we serve is one that owns the cattle upon a thousand hills. So, why do God’s people seem to get a hard time on this earth in every area of their lives?

When we look at what is happening around us, sometimes we cannot help but ask God, why do you allow these negative things to happen to your people? Shouldn’t they be the head and not the tail? How do you expect the those who are in the world to be encouraged to give their lives to you if your people seem to be suffering? The Bible reminds us that God’s ways are not our ways, and that sometimes God does things or allow things to occur that we will just not understand. But the text for this morning should put what we see around us into perspective. In Romans 8:28 the Bible says the following using the New Living Translation.

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

Here the Apostle Paul makes the point that for those of us Christians who love the Lord, no matter what is happening in our lives, positive or negative, God will work it for our good. Even though we are in pain because of the things that others have done to us, God said that He will work it for our good. Even though we are worried because of the illness of a loved one, God said that He would work it for our good.

Today God is reminding us to focus our attention on loving Him. Focus our attention on ensuring that the love of God is shed abroad in our heart, and then we can rest assured that God will work all the things in our lives for our good.

Today God is reminding you to TRUST HIM. God wants you to believe in Him and what He is telling you this morning. Even though the tunnel ahead looks dark, this morning God is telling you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel even if you cannot see it.

It is my prayer that as you take some time to reflect on what is happening in your life at this moment, that you will ask the Holy Spirit to help you continue to trust in God will all your heart and believe in the message that He gave to you today through the Apostle Paul. It is such a good thing to know that we can trust that God will always take care of us and work all things for our good. Let us continue to love the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind.”


Still I Will Trust You -