Online Bible Study is our virtual Sabbath School class held on YouTube on Sabbath mornings. Yes, you included. We follow the same principles of the familar Sabbath School classes held in the physical church:
1. Study of the Word
2. Fellowship
3. Community Outreach
To join us in study visit and view our live broadcast on Sabbath mornings. Online Bible Study begins at 9:45AM, but we also invite you to join our broadcast which begins at 9:15AM with music, prayer and devotional thoughts.
While the main focus of this portion of the day is "1. Study of the Word", we want to fellowship with you through while reviewing the Sabbath School Bible Study Guide. Our Care-Coordinator will engage you in discussion within the live chat so connect with your phones or tablets to share your questions or comments.
We want to hear from you! If you are in need of prayer or further guidance as you study God's word, even after Online Bible Study ends, share your requests and contact info by WhatsApp to 246-432-6241.